Tag: major scale

From the chromatic scale to the major scale

From the chromatic scale to the major scale

In this lesson I will take you from learning the chromatic scale on guitar to find how to play a simple major scale. Don’t be fooled by the fancy name: the chromatic scale is just the sum of all the 12 notes we have in our system to make music. These are the 7 natural notes (CDEFGAB) plus the other altered notes (with #=sharp and b=flat).

The famous formula for the major scale as I explain in the video is


the video is pretty much self explanatory, and if you want a more in-depth look at the theory behind this, just visit this other page https://giannichiarello.com/basic-music-theory-for-beginners/

or this other one that applies this theory to guitar: https://giannichiarello.com/basic-music-theory-for-beginners-pt-2on-guitar-practical-application/