In this video I show some examples of very simple chord progressions that originate from the Harmonized Major Scale.
When I say ‘one, four, five’ I mean the song is built by the 1st, the 4th and 5th chord of the harmonized scale. So such song would be C major, F major, and G major and if I wanted to write its structure I’d write it with roman numerals: I IV V. as an example you can think of songs like ‘Twist and shout’, ‘La Bamba’ or similar…again this is just the very basic stuff!
Other common structures are II V I (‘two, five, one’ = Dm G C in C major), I VI IV V and so on…
As I said this is just the beginning, I’ll show you how to understand more complicated songs. Also, will post in the near futureĀ a list of analyzed chords progressions patterns for you to use in your songs.